Skvělé služby

Pomohli nám zvýšit rezervace a zlepšit online přítomnost.

Díky gastroboost jsme získali více zákazníků a naše rezervace vzrostly výrazně.

Jan Novák
A fast-food restaurant with bright red neon signage and arrows. The building is illuminated in the night with people visible inside through large windows. The exterior has a clean and modern look, with outdoor seating and a distinctive roof design.
A fast-food restaurant with bright red neon signage and arrows. The building is illuminated in the night with people visible inside through large windows. The exterior has a clean and modern look, with outdoor seating and a distinctive roof design.


S gastroboost jsme dosáhli skvělých výsledků a naše restaurace se výrazně zviditelnila na sociálních sítích.

A fast-food restaurant interior with modern decor featuring a prominent red and yellow theme. There are several tables and chairs, with a group of people seated in the background having a conversation. Bright overhead lighting and large glass windows create an open atmosphere. The brand's logo and slogan are visible on the walls, and a sign advertising free Wi-Fi is displayed.
A fast-food restaurant interior with modern decor featuring a prominent red and yellow theme. There are several tables and chairs, with a group of people seated in the background having a conversation. Bright overhead lighting and large glass windows create an open atmosphere. The brand's logo and slogan are visible on the walls, and a sign advertising free Wi-Fi is displayed.
Eva Svobodová



Marketing restaurací

Pomáháme restauracím získat více zákazníků a zvýšit rezervace.

A restaurant entrance with open doors and chalkboard signs announcing margarita specials and takeout availability. The signs display operating hours, and a single chair is placed next to the open door. The building features a prominent 'Entrance' sign above the doorway.
A restaurant entrance with open doors and chalkboard signs announcing margarita specials and takeout availability. The signs display operating hours, and a single chair is placed next to the open door. The building features a prominent 'Entrance' sign above the doorway.
Sociální sítě

Efektivní správa sociálních sítí pro restaurace, které chtějí růst.

Reklamní kampaně

Strategické reklamní kampaně, které přinášejí reálné výsledky pro vaše podnikání.

+420 603 201 563

+420 603 201 563